This father took the same picture with his son every year for 29 years

This father took the same picture with his son from when he was one year old until he turned 29. Here is their relationship through the years in photos.


A father-son bond is a very powerful thing. Every good father’s goal is to see their son grow up to become a man of its own. It certainly was that case for the father is this story. But he did not only content with observing his child and their relationship grow over the years, he decided to immortalise it with a picture every year for 29 years.

29. 1986

This is when it all started. The first photo happened on the son’s first birthday. The beginning of a great project and a beautiful story.

28. 1987

Only a year later and the child has grown so much. We can see that a strong bond already links them.

27. 1988

Third year and we can already see the resemblance between the father and his son.

26. 1989

They might look quite serious on this picture, but it is easy to see that these two love each other very much.

25. 1990

Here’s a fun one. Five years have passed and the son has changed quite a bit.

24. 1991

Another year, another photo.

23. 1992

Change of scenery. This one was taken at the beach and this time, it’s both the son and the father who look older.

22. 1993

Back home. Here is the picture of a more serious father figure.

21. 1994

But maybe not that serious! It’s easy to see that the child is comfortable with his dad.

20. 1995

The son is now 10 years old and starting to be a little tall to be in his father’s arms.

19. 1996

Still, a year later, it seems like a very very comfortable place for him to be.

18. 1997

No longer in his father’s arms, the boy looks like he is approaching puberty.

17. 1998

As the son is close to becoming a man, their relationship is no less powerful.

16. 1999

Here is the picture of a proud father with his son who has now turned into a man.

15. 2000

There’s a new addition to the family! That year, a third member joined the photo.

14. 2001

Back to the two of them.

13. 2002

The son is now almost as tall as his father who seems to love his son quite a bit.

12. 2003

And here it is. At 18 years old, the son has outgrown his dad.

11. 2004

Two very serious men, but no less close to each other.

10. 2005

The sun is starting to look like his father when he first started this beautiful project.

9. 2006

On this one, we can really see the resemblance between the two.

8. 2007

While the son hasn’t changed much since the precedent year, we can see that the father is not getting any younger.

7. 2008

23 years have passed since the first picture, and the duo has not missed one year.

6. 2009

New haircuts, same father and son a year later.

5. 2010

Back to looking very similar on this photo.

4. 2011

The roles seem to have changed. It is now the son who looks as if he the one caring for the other.

3. 2012

Another year, another photo. No much seem to have changed since the last one.

2. 2013

Here is a very dynamic picture with have seems to be a very proud dad.

1. 2014

2014 and the story has gone full circle. The son is now himself a father and the father, although still a father, is now also a grandfather.