This Woman Eats Several Eggs a Day: Find Out Why!

Eggs are not only affordable, they are also easy to cook and very healthy. Discover all their benefits now!


Eggs have developed a bad reputation over the years, and for no good reason. In fact, you have probably heard about the fat content of eggs, the cholesterol in egg yolk or the hormones in some eggs that some people criticize. Of course, eggs are incredible for your health and can be very beneficial to your health, especially if you eat several eggs a day.

1. What exactly does a hard-boiled egg contain?

Fondation OLO

Wondering what exactly is in a hard-boiled egg? Here is the answer to your question!

  • Vitamin A: 6% of the RDA
  • Folic acid: 5% of the RDA
  • Vitamin B5: 7% of the RDA
  • Vitamin B12: 9% of the RDA
  • Vitamin B2: 15% of the RDA
  • Phosphorus: 9% of the RDA
  • Selenium: 22% of the RDA

Be aware that eggs also contain good amounts of vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, calcium and zinc. You will also gain 77 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of healthy fat by eating an egg.

2. Your good cholesterol level (HDL) will increase

People tend to talk a lot about high cholesterol and the fact that eggs are a negative factor in high cholesterol levels. However, it is important to know that eggs contain a lot of good cholesterol. In fact, several studies have shown that regular egg consumption leads to an increase in your HDL (high-density lipoprotein). This type of cholesterol is necessary for your body to transport cholesterol from other parts of your body to your liver so that it can remove bad cholesterol from your body.

3. You help the proper development of your fetus

Eggs contain choline, an essential substance for the brain, memory and fetal development. You should, therefore, eat eggs if you are pregnant.

4. You will reduce your risk of developing certain diseases

Having high levels of HDL is very advantageous. This helps your body get rid of LDL, the high-density lipoproteins, also known as bad cholesterol. Some studies have shown that having high levels of LDL is associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease.

5. You will have stronger and healthier muscles

A large average egg contains only 72 calories – most of which are in the form of protein. Of course, your body needs protein to build and repair muscle cells. You should, therefore, eat eggs, especially if you exercise a lot.

6. You will have healthier bones

In the past, it was said that the consumption of animal protein had a negative effect on bone health. However, recent discoveries have demystified this thinking, concluding that there is a significant positive relationship between protein intake and bone mass or density. This is because animal proteins help to retain and absorb calcium, which improves bone density and strength. Eating eggs is therefore to your advantage, especially if you are a woman. In fact, women tend to suffer from osteoporosis, a disease characterized by a loss of bone mass.

7. You will improve the health of your eyes

Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that are beneficial to eye health. These nutrients accumulate in the retina of the eye and help to counter some of the degenerative processes that can affect the eyes. Studies have shown that providing enough of these nutrients in your diet can reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

8. You will eat less

Since the protein in eggs can help you feel full, you may feel less hungry all day long.

9. You will have more time and energy

Cooking eggs is not only very fast, but it also guarantees you a good energy supply. It is therefore in your interest to prepare hard-boiled eggs in the morning or at noon.

10. You will have tasty food

The eggs are rich and tasty. But the great thing about them is that you can add other foods that will only improve their taste. Cook an egg, chop zucchini, tomatoes and mushrooms, and add cheese to make a unique omelette. Take the same concoction and scramble the eggs to make an English muffin filling.