Interesting Ways To Use Mouthwash That Don’t Involve Your Mouth

Mouthwash doesn't only make your breath fresh. There are a ton of things, very useful things at that, that you can do with the minty bright blue liquid we can find in the medicine cabinet of most homes. Discover these 13 different and unusual ways to use mouthwash on a day to day basis that will make your life easier.


Your husband saw an amazing deal on mouthwash at Costco and thought it would be a good idea to purchase 10 packs of these double packs of 2 litres bottles. He came home like a man who just accomplished his mission and you are now left with that much less space in the garage and no idea what to do with this excess of bright blue minty liquid. That’s not you? Well, we all have mouthwash at home that we either use every single day or we’ve had for years and have only had one or two swigs. If you regret buying this liquid, don’t throw it away or give it away, there are a lot more things that you can do with it other then gargling with it.

Mouthwash has many other (and unusual) uses that can make your life a lot easier. You will be surprised at everything you can use it for that you never suspected. Discover them now!

1. Remove dandruff

Mouthwash has some anti-fungal properties so it can help prevent dandruff. Wash and rinse your hair in the shower and pour a 50/50 mixture of mouthwash and water on your hair.

2. Treat athletes foot and nail fungus

As mentioned above, mouthwash has anti-fungal properties so it can help treat athletes foot and nail fungus. To treat your nail fungus, use half mouthwash, half vinegar on a cotton ball and apply it to the area you need to treat. For athletes foot, just add some mouthwash on a cotton ball.

3. After-piercing care

Make sure you use a sugar-free mouthwash for this. Dab a cotton ball soaked in mouthwash and apply it to your piercings to help prevent infection.

4. Clean your toothbrush

Of course, you can use your mouthwash to clean your toothbrush. Dunk your toothbrush head in a cup of mouthwash overnight.

5. Sanitize laundry

You can sanitize your laundry with mouthwash. Just make sure you use a colourless and sugar-free kind so you don’t damage your clothes. This is a great tip if you don’t have any laundry detergent at home.

6. Keep your garbage can smelling nice

Add mouthwash to a paper towel or a cotton ball and place it in your garbage.

7. Reduce body odour

If you don’t have any deodorant at home and you absolutely need to keep your armpits smelling nice, apply mouthwash with a cotton ball under your arms.

8. Toilet cleaner

Add a cup of mouthwash in your toilet and wait to flush for a whole hour. After an hour, scrub it with a brush.

9. Heal and clean wounds

If you have small cuts and scrapes on your arms or legs, apply some mouthwash on them to help the healing process.

10. Soothe bug bites and poison ivy

Again, add some mouthwash on a cotton ball and pat it gently on your skin to relieve inflammation and itchiness.

11. Help treat bruises

Bruises are annoying. Diminish the appearance of bruises on your body by applying mouthwash on them.

12. Use it as a hand sanitizer

If your hands smell bad or you don’t have any soap and want to clean your hands, pour a bit of mouthwash on your hands. This should remove the smell.

13. Keep your flowers fresher longer

Add 2 tablespoons of mouthwash in your vase so your flowers stay fresher and nicer longer.