Your dog is scared of thunder? Here’s what to

Does your dog shake whenever a thunderstorm is coming? Is he hiding? Here is how you can help your dog handle his phobia. These 7 tips will do the trick!


7. Keep your dog close to you

You thought keeping your dog outside while there’s a thunderstorm would help? Think again. Fighting fire with fire is not the solution here. Your dog could be traumatized, or try running away. He could then get lost or cause an accident.

Instead, keep your dog inside with you. This will reassure him. You can also reduce noise by closing all your windows.

6. Let him hide

Dogs naturally hide when they are scared. This reaction is normal, don’t force your dog to come out. Again, forcing him to confront his fear could be traumatizing. Let him hide, and speak to him in a soothing voice.

5. Stay calm

Your dog can feel your emotions. Of course, if you panic when a storm is coming, your dog will panic too. Stay calm, do your activities normally. Your dog will understand there’s no danger. Don’t scold him, it won’t help.

4. Don’t hug him

Sure, hugging a child can reassure them, but this gesture doesn’t apply to dogs. Your dog could see this gesture as a sign that you are also worried, and that would only worry him more. Don’t try to reassure him that way.

3. Distract him

This technique works with children, this technique works with dogs too! Distract your dog with his favourite toy. He will be so busy he will forget all about his fear for a few moments.

2. Try relaxing products

Your four-legged friend is still really scared of storms? His fear might be pathological. You could still help him, but with relaxing products. Bach flowers are a natural option, but you could also go for something prescribed by your veterinarian.

1. Familiarize him with thunderstorms

Finally, you could also familiarize him with thunder. There are lots of videos on the internet with thunder sounds; find such a video, and start by playing it for a couple minutes at a low volume. The next day, slightly increase the volume and duration. Little by little, your dog will get used to thunder. In a few weeks, he could be completely desensitized!