The 10 most expensive dog breeds

If you ask us, you can't put a price on a dog. But life being what it is, unless you are adopting a rescue, you will have...

9 reasons why your dog won’t stop shivering

Shivers are involuntary muscular tensions that only conscious living beings experience. They can have various origins, from mild to severe. There are two types of shivers: those...

Is your dog always barking? Here are the causes and their solutions

You don't have to bear your dog's barking day and night, and neither does your neighbourhood! To help him, you first have to understand him better. Your dog...

15 animals that look exactly like famous people

Some people are crazy about being like their favourite celebrity. They can save up astronomical sums of money in order to get plastic surgery. In the past,...

Your dog is scared of thunder? Here’s what to

Keep your dog close to you You thought keeping your dog outside while there's a thunderstorm would help? Think again. Fighting fire with fire is not the solution...