She Blows on Her Thumb for a Accurate Reason That Will Amaze You!

There are little tricks to help you get through your days without losing consciousness of fear or pain. It can be hard to deal with stress!


Body pain arises when it is least expected. We wake up with the barred back or we want to tear our jaws while crunching in our lunch. No matter the pain and intensity, you want to eliminate it as quickly as possible.

1. Anxiety

Anxiety is the cause of many problems. It can cause insomnia – muscle aches or even more serious problems like heart attacks.

When stress stops us from working properly, take two minutes alone in the bathroom to splash your face with cold water. Cold water allows breathing and will help you calm down. You will not make a eliminate your problems, but you will surely succeed in relaxing.

If you have butterflies in the stomach because of anxiety, blow on your thumb. You will restore your breathing and you will calm nerves that will slow down your heart rate.

Sources :

  • Feroce
  • Ayoye
  • Allo Santé

2. Sore Throat

There are several medicinal ways of healing sore throat; Syrups, pellets, etc. On the other hand, these drugs often flip the problem the other way around and irritate you more.

If you feel tingling in the throat, instead of scraping your throat and irritating yourself, scratch your ears. When we scratch our ears, our throats contract. This gesture can eliminate tingling naturally.

Sources :

  • Feroce
  • Ayoye
  • Allo Santé

3. Scared of Needles

You have a blood test, but the needles frighten you to the point of losing consciousness, do not panic!

Occupy your mind , you will fight your stress. When you enter the room, notify the nurse of your discomfort. They are pros for entertainment and they will ensure to change your ideas.

Sources :

  • Feroce
  • Ayoye
  • Allo Santé

4. Open Up a Stuffy Nose

If you have a stuffy nose and your handkerchiefs do not succeed in overcoming your lack of breath, do not lose hope.

Sources :

  • Feroce
  • Ayoye
  • Allo Santé

5. Les brûlures

If you burn yourself and you do not have cold water nearby, there is a simple way to prevent bells.

Press the burn with your fingertips. Thus, you put your skin back to normal body temperature and prevent the appearance of bells.

Sources :

  • Feroce
  • Ayoye
  • Allo Santé

6. Toothache

The nerves on the back of your hand are responsible for the sensation of pain. Place an ice cube on the back of your hand and hold it. When the hand becomes very cold, rub it with your other hand to warm it up. You will relieve the nerves of the hand and decrease the pain by 60 to 90%.

Sources :

  • Feroce
  • Ayoye
  • Allo Santé

7. Headache

Using your thumb and forefinger, press the area between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. Make small circles with light pressure.

These stuff work for many people. You do not lose anything to try them.

Sources :

  • Feroce
  • Ayoye
  • Allo Santé

Sources :

  • Feroce
  • Ayoye
  • Allo Santé