How Much You Should Weigh According to Your Age, Your Body Shape and Your Size

The weight you should weigh is influenced by several factors, including your age and size, but calculating your BMI remains the best way.


Do you know what’s your ideal body weight? You probably have a little idea of how much you should weigh, but that does not necessarily mean it’s right. If you want to stay healthy, you need to maintain a healthy weight, nothing more or nothing less. And the best way to determine this ideal health weight is to calculate your body mass index using a BMI calculator or simply look at the chart below.

However, we must let you know that this table is created only for adult men and women, it is not suitable for people under 18 years.




Go Healthy Team

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

Determining how much you should weigh is not as simple as looking on the chart. Indeed, it is necessary to have in mind your total’s weight amount of bones, muscle and fat in the composition of your body.

The most important thing you need to consider is the amount of fat in your body and the BMI calculator is the perfect way to calculate this percentage. It may not be the perfect measure, but it gives a very good estimate. If your BMI is higher than 24.9, you may be overweight.

Source: Go Healthy Team