These Cats Have Fallen Asleep In Surprising Positions

Most people love animals, especially cats. There's nothing surprising about that: these little fur balls are so cute! However, although cats are the most adorable creatures, they...

Donald Trump Ignores Warnings, Looks Directly at the Total Eclipse

President of the United States, Donald Trump, does not take advice from anyone, even when it comes to the safety of his eyes. While the whole population was warned...

The Wealthiest Countries In The World

There are 195 countries (193 if you don't count the Holy See and the State of Palestine) on this planet but they aren't all equal when it...

9 Awkward Christmas Photos That Will Make You Both Laugh And Cringe

What could be more typical than taking annual Christmas photos with your family? This is exactly what these 9 couples and families thought, except their results weren't as...

[Gallery] Garth Brook’s Divorce Settlement Is Mind-Blowing

Getting a divorce is never a fun occurrence. Especially when it all happens in the public eye. Too often, a failed marriage is the synonym of a...

Height Difference is Bigger Than You Think

Love has no age, gender, colour, religion... And height. What happens when a basketballer and a 5-foot actress fall in love? Height difference happens, that's what. Odd...

They Got Married in New York When He was 65 and She was 12....

Coby Persin is well known on the Internet. He has made many popular videos for his YouTube channel. Recently, he directed one at Time Square, New York....

She Asks Her Father If She Can Remove Her Hijab, Her Father’s Response Goes...

Unfortunately, clichés and prejudices are part of our society and despite all the campaigns to stop them, they remain a polemic. Moreover, this young woman of 17...

The top 10 best first pets to have for your child

All children, at some point in their lives, when they grow up, want to have their first pet. Will they take care of it as much as...

A Raccoon Was Caught Trying To Save His Brother From Drowning in a Pool

Not only parents worry when it a loved one jump in the pool - brothers and sisters can also be frantic. Take Waylon and Willie as an example. These...