Foods to avoid to maintain a healthy lifestyle as one grows older

Thirty is not old but you also are not getting any younger if you've officially left your 20s behind. You can't eat everything you crave, as you used...

Here are some foods you should never give your baby

If you have kids, you are aware that a proper diet is extremely important for their growth. In fact, young children, unlike teens or adults, can't eat just...

12 Myths And Interesting Facts About Gum Disease

If you have been told that you have periodontal disease (gum disease), you are not alone. With the knowledge of periodontics (the study of tooth structure) from...

You Have Been Thawing Meat The Wrong Way And It Could Harm Your Health

Discover the easiest and most effective way to thaw your food without harming your health. How to Freeze Meat There are basic rules of thawing food. Some foods do...

Shucking corn is easy with this no-effort, no-mess technique

The summer season brings its fair share of fresh fruits and vegetables, including corn. Obviously, even though it is delicious eating it plain a few times, it...

30 symptoms of major depressive disorder to look out for

Depression affects millions of people worldwide and can have devastating effects if it isn't treated properly. With 6 different types of depression: major depression, atypical depression, dysthymia, postpartum...

Here Are Tips To Grow Garlic Plants At Home For Beginners

Garlic is a delicious product to incorporate into its recipes. You can put it in your spaghetti sauce, when you cook some vegetables or in the sauce...

10 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Even if you are not overweight or obese, you may want to change your routine in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Developing and following a healthy eating...

6 tips to read to repel ticks and avoid getting Lyme disease

Ticks are increasingly present in our environment. Sometimes carriers of Lyme disease, ticks are not to be taken lightly. That's why it's important to be well informed...

10 bad habits that will make you age prematurely

It goes without saying that smoking cigarettes and catching too many rays can make your skin age prematurely, so congratulations if you stopped smoking and if you...