13 Tips and Tricks to Cope With The Heat When You Go to Bed

The heat can sometimes be suffocating and especially extremely unpleasant, to such a point that you can not sleep at night. We do not find sleep, or...

Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Pepper Every Day

If you cook, you know that salt and pepper are a combination of spices that allow you to add flavor to almost any dish. Although we tend...

This is What Your Back Dimples Mean…Interesting!

For some people, the dimples are a special feature and a sign of beauty. They can be found on the cheeks, upper lip, chin or lower back....

Rubbing This Spice on Your Face Could Get Rid of Your Wrinkles

All women wish to stay young as long as possible, as much body wise as spiritually. For some, the key is to get rid of apparent wrinkles, since...

Shucking corn is easy with this no-effort, no-mess technique

The summer season brings its fair share of fresh fruits and vegetables, including corn. Obviously, even though it is delicious eating it plain a few times, it...

10 Things Not To Order If You Go To Burger King!

For a long time, people had access to only two major national chains to eat hamburgers: McDonald's and Burger King. McDonald's got the Big Mac and Burger King...

Oncologists Are Warning Women to Identify Symptoms of This Disease Leading to Cancer

Ovarian cancer has a high survival rate when discovered early. On the other hand, if one expects too much, which very often happens, the disease worsens and...

10 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Even if you are not overweight or obese, you may want to change your routine in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Developing and following a healthy eating...

10 Foods to Avoid Eating Right Before Going to Sleep

It is well known that the quality of your sleep is influenced by a ton of different factors like physical activity, stress and some particular foods. Food has a big impact...

You can finally say goodbye to pain caused by your period

It is not a surprise that not one single woman likes to get her period. It is an unpleasantness that every woman has to live with once a...