15 incredible tricks to have perfect lashes all the time

Most women do not have too much difficulty applying their mascara. They often do it with a mechanical-like flick, in the morning, between two sips of coffee....

If You Have WD-40 at Home, You’ll Be Surprised By All Things It Can...

Many people have WD-40 at home, it’s one of the most popular “must have” products you can buy at the superstore. With multiple uses, his potential is...

15 new cars that you should never buy

New cars are not what they used to be. Despite technological advancements, we still hear about vehicles getting recalled in the car industry. It is hard to find catastrophic...

Wet Your Plants With These Unusual Gardening Hacks!

Gardening is a pleasant activity for many people. Certainly, not everyone has a green thumb. If you want to indulge in the pleasures of gardening, but have...

Here Are 15 Smart Ways To Make Money In Retirement

If you think it is not possible to make money in retirement, think again. You can supplement your income in several creative ways to make the most...

10 Useful Things You Were Not Using Properly

Here are some objects you might be using every day and still had no idea how practical they are. This is usually because we never really got...

5 Beauty Tips From Professional Estheticians

There are so many tips and tricks some more worthy than others. Since we gotta find time either cooking or cleaning, it's always helpful to learn new beauty tips...

14 Beauty Tips That Will Make You Look Like a Star

The stars of Hollywood live under high pressure of being pretty at all time. Although we are not jealous of their stressful life, we get quite envious...

10 beauty tips and tricks for all women who never have enough time

We live in a world where we are asked to be involved in several projects at once and to perform very well. It is therefore normal that...

Here are 8 clever ideas to refresh your home this summer

Summer is probably most people's favourite season and with good reason! This season offers its fair share of fun with outdoor activities, summer holidays, etc. However, summer also...