These 10 cleaning tips will save you so much time

Not many people like doing housework. This is not surprising. It is often long and pretty demanding. Also, people have other much more interesting things to do than...

6 Things Your Housekeeper Probably Wish You Knew

Maybe you are experiencing your first time hiring a professional cleaning service, or maybe you've hired a housekeeper for years? In any case, you may not know that your...

Stop Losing Your Socks In The Washing Machine With These 3 Smart Tricks!

You've probably experienced it once in your life: you do your washing and during your load of laundry, you lose one or socks. Obviously, the world doesn't stop...

[Photos] The Longest Living Dog Breeds In The World

When adopting a dog, most people hope to be welcoming a friend for life into their family. But the sad reality is that one human year equals...

Don’t Start Painting Your Home Unless You Already Know These 10 Clever Tips

Are you tired to see the same colors around the house? Are you thinking they kinda look boring? It's ok if you want to repaint it, but before you start...

These 15 Tips With Vinegar Will Definitely Impress You

Everyone got some vinegar at home and you will be happy to know that there are many different way to use this product because of its multiple properties. It can...

Say Goodbye to Strong Odors in Your Kitchen With These Simple Tricks

If you live in a small place, even the lightest odors can be a big problem. The way your apartment is built can greatly influence the smells that...

The 15 most memorable “as seen on TV” products

The Perfect Polly Clearly, an essential product at 3 am. The Slob Stopper Essentially a glorified bib for adults. The Zoomies Who has never dreamed of looking so stupid? The Sauna Pants ... but why? The...

The 10 best secrets to keep your white clothes sparkling

No need to get rid of your favourite white shirt because the fabric has yellowed. You can extend the life of your white clothing thanks to a couple of...

Need More Space In the Kitchen? We Got 15 Storage Tips For You!

If you have a small kitchen and love to prepare meals and receive your friends to dinner, you know that the storage space can quickly run out. Indeed,...